Recent work: Diana the Huntress (part 1 of diptych)
Prints for Sale at artist|rising
, a division of art.com
Ali in Cyberspace:
twitter: @ali_festivale
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-kayn-9a608b45
 to the web site of Ali Kayn, a business analyst and a freelance writer, photographer and artist living in Melbourne, Australia.
What's happening?
With great fear and trepidation I am moving servers from I-hate-them-I-won't-name-them to things-are-not-looking-good. Loss of e-mail contact is much more concerning than a web site dropping out. If you can't get ahold of me any other way, and you don't have my gmail account, you could try Facebook.
COVID-19 is all around us. A good time to think about ICE, In Case of Emergency. I've been looking at options, and developed a form for filling in the kinds of information that should be taken to doctors and hospitals. Filled in, this is what I give to ambulance drivers, etc. I carry a version on a USB stick on my keys, on my phone, it's on the cloud, printed in my go-bag, given to my GP. Microsoft docx version, Open document format version and RTF Rich Text Format version.
Geeks are very necessary, but there is a place for communicators like myself who enjoy being a human-geek interface. Click here
for more about my ICT experiences and interests.
Prints of several paintings
and pastel sketches are becoming available at artist|rising, a division of art.com.
Several short pieces of fiction
are now available here, plus the opening of my novel, Salely.
As I struggle with the process of digitising my libraries, I'm blogging. Alizandria
is my library blog where I talk about all kinds of time and records management and, one of my favourite things, something-to-put-them-in, storage systems. The workbook is here